Management Committee
Steve Leese

I have been an active QASEL member for over 14 years since joining as an Aspiring Leader.
I bring a broad range of experience and understanding of issues faced in schools having worked in all sectors of schooling in 4 regions.
I have been a teacher in metropolitan special schools, A/Hoses in metro primary, Hoses in regional, rural and remote primary and high schools, Deputy in Special Schools and acting principal in primary and special schools.
I believe that my varied career experience equips me very well to represent the needs of the sector.
As an active member of QASEL and the QTU special education committee I am a fierce advocate for the needs of staff and students in the special education area through various channels. My passion is supporting the wellbeing of staff and students to work and learn in the best possible environment leading to all involved reaching their full potential.
I seek your support to continue my role in the QASEL Management Committee for another term of office.