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Roselynne Anderson
Memorial Endowment Fund

Support our Special Education students and the legacy of Roselynne Anderson through the Roselynne Anderson Memorial Endowment Fund

Roselynne Anderson was well known for her extensive career and contribution to the field of Education, and for her advocacy of Special Education.  Roselynne served as the President of Queensland Association of Special Education Leaders (QASEL) from 2015 – 2020, and before that was Vice-President from 2005-2014 and on the management committee since 2003. In 2020, Roselynne was awarded QASEL life membership.


It is with great sadness that Roselynne passed away in 2021. The Roselynne Anderson Memorial Endowment Fund was recently created out of the generosity of QASEL and funds the Roselynne Anderson Memorial Prize in Special Education.


The endowment currently supports final year students studying a Bachelor of Education in Primary specialising in Special Education at the University of Southern Queensland, and embodies the ethos of teaching, which is to create better and sustained opportunities in education.

To Donate:


  1. Click here

  2. Select prizes

  3. Select Donate to – Roselynne Anderson Fund

$500 is awarded to an Education student specialising in Special Education to assist them with essential study materials and costs associated with teaching practical placements. We are excited to be awarding the first recipient of Roselynne’s fund before the end of 2021. 


By supporting the Roselynne Anderson Memorial Endowment Fund you are ensuring Roselynne’s legacy to improve opportunities in Special Education continues.


 Help us reach our goal…


The Roselynne Anderson Memorial Endowment Fund is currently at around $25,000 and, at the moment, the University of Southern Queensland is matching all donations made to endowment funds at a rate of $2 for every $1 donated up to a $10 million threshold.


This matching is designed to create real and long lasting impact!  We have an opportunity to boost Roselynne’s fund to a healthy capital in order to safeguard its relevance to our students well into the future.


This means if we received an additional $8,334 total of donations towards Roselynne’s fund, the University would match these 2:1 (contributing $16,668) adding a total of $25,000. This, on top of the current endowment’s balance, would mean $50,0000 total! 


With a projected 2-3% return on endowment funds, a goal of $50,000 would mean we could conservatively increase the annual Prize to $1,000. Future giving to the fund could also mean increasing the value or distributing multiple awards from Roselynne’s fund.


 How to Donate?


Donations towards the fund can be made via our secure Online Payment Gateway here by selecting ‘Prizes’ then in the ‘Donate To’ section, selecting the ‘Roselynne Anderson Fund’.  


Alternatively, there are many other options available such as direct deposit, over the phone, via mail or in-person. A full list of options is available on the University’s website here.  


Donations to the University of Sothern Queensland are tax deductable.  However, we always ask that you please seek independent tax advice.


Contact USQ Giving


For more information about the Roselynne Anderson Memorial Fund or giving at USQ. Please contact us:


Phone: +61 7 3470 4427


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Members are encouraged to use the Contact Us form for all non urgent, financial or technical inquiries. Otherwise, please contact our President directly or by mail.



PO Box 16079, City East, Queensland, 4002



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© 2023 Queensland Association of Special Education Leaders

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