Management Committee
Natalie Petersen
My name is Natalie Petersen and I wish to nominate for QASEL’s Management Committee. I am currently Acting Deputy Principal Early Years at Calamvale Special School with my substantive position being HOSES at Nursery Road ECDP. I have served on the Management Committee for the past four years and currently a member of the ECDP sub-committee. As the previous secretary of the ECDP sub-committee, I represented ECDP HOSES giving feedback to both QASEL and the Department on the review of ECDP guidelines, resourcing, ECDP processes and workload. After stepping down as secretary, I have continued to advocate on behalf of the committee as a standing member.
As a member of the Management Committee, I have provided feedback on a range of Departmental initiatives and reviews including resourcing, transport and staffing. I have represented QASEL on an HR Roundtable and I am part of a reference group that will look at the provision of consistent speech pathology services across the state.
Given my experience and current role, I have a special interest in successful transitions for students with a disability into school from early childhood settings. I know both QASEL and the Department are continuing to look at ways to support our Prep students and increase attendance and engagement.
I also have a passion for supporting early career teachers and teachers new to special education. I have led the school induction and beginning teacher programs both at Nursery Road and Calamvale Special School and am interested in the role the EFI and other supports can play in supporting schools further. After a long and varied career in special education, I feel well-placed to advocate for initiatives to grow and support our new generation of teachers and leaders.
Thank you for your consideration.