Alicia Smith
Deputy Principal - Inclusion; Woree State High School

I am expressing my interest to continue work as QASEL Regional Councillor for 2024 after completing my first year in 2023. I am the Deputy Principal – Inclusion at Woree State High School. My role includes Inclusion as a whole school model, Transitions from Primary to High School to Post School, Implementing UDL Framework, NCCD Champion, Collaborative/Distributive Leadership modelling, and Building capability through a culture of learning in an inclusive school environment. I was a workshop presenter at QASELCON 2022 and room chaired in 2023 as a QASEL State Council Member.
I have shared this role with Michelle Eriksson and Samantha Ilic and we have been able to provide support and professional conversations across our region because we each cover different geographic areas and represent different areas of education. Our journey has just begun to get traction throughout the region with an increase in engagement from other leaders and members of QASEL. We have been conducting fortnightly check ins and term meetings, however we all would like to continue as we are able to work collaboratively together on the issues affecting FNQ. We have all been involved in reviewing position papers and policy as part of our current role.
Supports can be difficult to access in FNQ and we endeavour to provide collegial support to our peers and members by being accessible and approachable. I would like to continue in this role where I can have an impact on being the voice for FNQ at State Council Meetings and as a mentor/critical friend for my peers across this region, and to encourage broader membership.