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2025 North Coast
Regional Councillor

Lynne Madle

I am committed to continue being part of a team that supports networking across all schools and improving quality of practice within teaching staff to develop knowledge and a deeper understanding of specialised support. I connect and collaborate in our Bundaberg region with a Special Education Leaders Meeting each term, to share current practices. To build networks and capability I am committed to ensuring the continuation of our mentoring of pre-service teachers from our local university to come in and spend a day a week in our inclusion program. Through developing a professional experience mentoring placement, we will build opportunity in our profession by immersing pre-service students through experiencing classroom environments, assisting and observing while being mentored with experienced teachers in our school. This program which I am enthusiastic to share professionally with colleagues provides positive nurturing and supports the confidence in our profession, developing a stronger partnership within our community to attract future committed staff to schools. It is also in my interest to be a part of a professional team that creates a seamless and consistent approach for all students learning from junior to senior pathways and continuation of collaborating and sharing professional learning with networks within QASEL.

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