2025 Metro North
Regional Councillor
Bronwyn Paxton

Leadership Experience: I am substantive principal of Woody Point Special School and currently in the role of School Improvement Coach, State Wide Special Schools based in Metropolitan North Region. Prior to becoming principal in 2020, I have had extensive experience in various special education leadership roles including acting principal across four other special schools, deputy principal across two special schools and Head of Special Education Services in ECDP and mainstream settings.
QASEL contributions: I have been a long standing member of QASEL since joining in 2008 following my first permanent appointment to a special education leadership position. During this time, I have undertaken the role of State/ Regional Councillor for North Coast Region from 2010-2012, and again in 2018-2020 and served on the conference committee in 2011-2012. In 2022 I was elected to the role of Management Committee member. In this role, I have contributed to QASEL initiatives including position briefs and the development of a strategic plan for the organisation. I have also represented the organisation on a number of reference groups including: Staff Mental Health Strategy (Special School and SEP), QASEL Wellbeing Reference Group, SORD reference group and Infrastructure Advisory Group. Further to this, I have been an active member of the QASEL Conference Organising Committee since 2022 and have led the expert panel discussion during the conference.
Areas of Interest/ Expertise: If elected to the role of Management Committee, I bring an ability to contribute meaningfully to the work of the organisation in a number of areas that are of current interest to members through my professional experiences and interest including:
· Early Childhood Development Programs
· Issues pertaining to special schools including staffing and resource allocations, facilities development and curriculum, teaching and learning.
· Organisational wellbeing and resilience and staff mental health
· Leadership capability development
If elected as a member of the QASEL Management Committee for 2025/2026 I will bring a strong commitment to the continuing work of the organisation through supporting aspiring leaders and drawing upon my experience and knowledge to contribute meaningfully to advocacy of key issues impacting on special education leaders through initiatives and strategies of the organisation.